When you start searching for classic car loans , you’ll realize that there are very limited lending options. The available lenders also have certain restrictions on the preferred car’s age. These cars are old; hence you won’t find as many lenders willing to take their chances by offering finance options. You’ll only find a handful of classic car loan lenders to compare. Woodside Credit can assist you to refine your current high-interest rate car loan into the lowest rate loan. Our low rate car loans are available for all types of credit scores from good to bad. We take care of the customer's comfort so that they can get their dream car at the lowest monthly payment and lowest rate of interest. For more information visit our website or call us at 800-717-5180!
Woodside Credit is one of the leading nationwide collector car finance companies that offers finance services by collector car dealers or directly to consumers for the purchase or refinancing of classic and collector cars. We understand that choosing the car of your dreams should be the hard part, not judging how to pay for it.